UK PonyCONLINE PlushieCon Online
Group Picture and Statistics.
Here are the results for PlushieCon Online at the UK PonyCONLINE: Britannia's Spooky Sleepover on October 10th, 2020!
First of all, the total number of plushies:
642 plushies were submitted by
23 owners!
Here is a downsized preview image in 882 * 426 pixels. Clicking on this image will take you to the large-sized image - caution, the full size means 8.824 * 4.264 pixels with 12,43 MB :
Creating this virtual PlushieCon picture was a bit like playing Tetris... didn't completely fit, there are some gaps left. Most of the images are downsized to maintain the proportions of the plushies - one plushie filling half the screen surrounded by seemingly mid-sized and small plushies, some plushies, altough in reality not that small, appearing to be tiny, would look just... strange to put it friendly
For this whole PlushieCon Online, I tried to use every picture submitted to us at least once, be it for this "gathering together" pic here or during the presentation - or for both. For the group picture, I did what I could not to "clone" plushies, that means every physical plushie should appear only once.
I reckon many people are interested in how many plushies of which character are present, right? I'll put the detailed list into the spoiler box, just click on it to open it and see the detailed list. Names without a number behind them mean: this character was present only once.
Show ContentSpoiler:
Mane 6 incl. variants and characters frequently appearing with them
Fluttershy * 44
Angel Bunny
Flutterbat * 4
Pinkie Pie * 44 + 1 as Pinkamena Diane Pie
Applejack * 34
Rainbow Dash * 58
AppleDash (guess Twilight got that teleportation spell wrong and fusioned RD and AJ that way...)
Rarity * 28
Spike * 5
Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn) * 24
Twilight Sparkle (Alicorn) * 28
Princesses / "Royal Family" (incl. villains and Alter Ego's)
Celestia * 40
Daybreaker * 2
Luna * 36
Nightmare Moon * 3
Cadance * 14
Shining Armor * 5
Flurry Heart * 2
Queen Chrysalis * 6
King Sombra * 4
Cutie Mark Crusaders and "friends"
Apple Bloom * 3
Babs Seed
Scootaloo * 3
Sweetie Belle * 5
Diamond Tiara
Silver Spoon
Ponies from the show / the movie / the comics (incl. Equestria Girls: pony versions)
Derpy * 14
Dr. Whooves
Lyra * 6
Sweetie Drops / Bonbon * 3 (G4 character)
LyraBon / LyBon (from the ep. "Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep?")
Octavia * 5
Vinyl Scratch * 9
Big Macintosh * 4, one of them both as "Cousin Orchard Blossom" / Big Mac (a convertible plushie)
Pear Butter
Bright Macintosh * 3
Cozy Glow
Nurse Redheart
Coco Pommel
Colgate /Minuette
Daring Do * 2
Spitfire * 2
Vapor Trail
Sky Stinger
Lightning Dust * 7 (incl. one as a Kirin)
Nightguard / Luna's Guard * 4
Starlight Glimmer * 7
Trixie * 12
Zecora * 4
Maud Pie
Limestone Pie * 2
Marble Pie
Berry Punch
Cloudchaser * 2
Apple Fritter
Florina Tart
Apple Bumpkin
Peachy Sweet
Roseluck * 2
Daisy Luck
Lotus * 2
Sonata Dusk
Lemon Zest
Double Diamond * 3
Night Glider
Twilight Velvet
Candy Mane
Minty (a G1 character, modeled as G4)
Tempest Shadow * 12
Songbird Serenade / Sia * 4
Countess Coloratura
Cherry Jubilee
Other species show / movie characters incl. Young 6 / Student 6
an orange parasprite
a pink parasprite
a changeling
a fruitbat
Cinder Glow
Dragon Lord Ember
Captain Celaeno
(Lord) Tirek
Fandom-created characters
Flufflepuff * 6
Snowdrop * 4
Fallout: Equestria
Fandom mascots
Britannia (UK PonyCon) * 7 (including G3 and Seaponies)
Bobbie (Griffish Isles) * 3
Spotlight Splash (Equestria Daily)
Sea Sailor (SeaBronies) * 6
Blank Canvas (BronyCon)
Blazing Star (BronyCon, unofficial, Security) * 4
Poniko (Japan PonyCon) * 4
Canni Soda (GalaCon) * 7
Connie Bloom (EuroBronyCon)
Liberty Bell (Fillycon)
Benny (Fillycon)
Rocky (Fillycon)
Barley Tender (Ponyville Ciderfest)
Caramel Malt (Ponyville Ciderfest)
Marina (Everfree Northwest)
Bit Rate (PonyFest Online)
Miss Libuše (Czequestria) * 2
Ember (Hearth's Warming Con) * 3
Glace (as a cube; Hearth's Warming Con)
Princess Pancake (Bronies Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.)
Unity (Brony Fair) * 2
Colonia (Kölner Stammtisch [Cologne Regular])
Nettle Vienna (Café Jsjaj, a german Brony meme-café-meetup)
Personal OCs
OldTech * 2
Mistress Wingblossom * 2
Vanilla Cream
Cortez Kolt
Railway Dash
Starlit Evenfall
Arctic Rose
Umbra * 3
Sky Specter * 2
Ashleigh Ball
Pixie Bell
Seven of Equine (pony version of Star Trek: Voyager's Seven of Nine)
Cerulean Light (very minimalistic)
Violet Rose (very minimalistic)
Bernd das Flutterbat (cosplay parody of German child TV's character "Bernd das Brot")
Plum Blossom
Total: 642 plushies
So much for the written and, as of now, downloadable part of PlushieCon Online at UK PonyCONLINE on October 10h, 2020
A recording of the stream itself should become available pretty soon, I'll post it as a reply here as soon as it is available.
For now, thank you all for your interest, for watching, reading and submitting your plushie pictures!